Sunday, January 9, 2011

Whew! Busy and quite productive!

This was a great weekend! While the hubs had his wisdom teeth removed, it was very productive. :)

Friday night I got my grocery shopping out of the way, and have everything thru next Sunday night. Woo!

Yesterday was spent getting organized. I spent 12 hours organizing our entire basement. Our basement has 2 storage rooms, which I organized both, a 16ft wall of cabinets (mainly gaming stuff, entertaining items, and other small items). I also tackled Jons tools. What a job... lastly our office. I havent been so good with keeping papers organized since full blown wedding season.. so yesterday I went thru the safe, organized papers... shreded what we no longer needed. I also got everything photog related organized. I organized our props, gear and reciepts! It is so nice to have everything together! :)

Now, the last to organize will be the closet, and our laundry room. Next weekend!

When I organize, I find I am most productive with piles... keep, donate and a big trash bag! Typically, if I havent used something within a year, it goes. I feel so good after purging old items!

I also feel great when I knock out a wedding! Just finished the NYE wedding today! Its going to be another busy year, we currently have 18 signed wedding contracts for 2011. :)

Hope you all had a great weekend, and have a super week -- weve got quite the winter weather brewing here in Omaha. :)

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