Meet our entry closet. I found 6 of my dear husbands sweatshirts, hung in there along with out coats. There was also a mix of photography junk (old gear, lens wipes and so on). We also had our mops, steam cleaner, brooms and cleaning items irradically placed. So... here is what I started with.


Really this was a SIMPLE clean up. I also purchased some wall ancors for the broom, mop and stuff to hang. I also got a tote for the Dyson attachments which were previously just stuffed on the top rack:) It was just a matter of doing it. But it got the ball rolling. Yesterday, I went thru my office. It was a papered mess. Not really a mess, quite clean but I went thru an entire drawer which I was able to purge! Recycle Bank Points, ummhmm! I also picked up a new organizer for my bathroom drawer, and thats on the agenda for the weekend. Its going to be an organizing weekend in the Sally Domestic household this weekend.
Before that fun can begin however, Jon and I are shooting our final wedding for 2010. For those of you following, feel free to also follow us on our blog, and become a fan on facebook!!